Persian Bakery

Author of The Last Living Slut: Born In Iran, Bred Backstage; a book of war, the Iranian Revolution, the Persian dusk, bath-houses in twilight, child abuse, escape to England, American rock stars, love, blood & abortion, explicit sexuality, Guns n Roses, my book has also been translated into Italian and sold over 25,000 copies worldwide.
Born in Iran, I was sent to England during the Iran/Iraq war at the age of 10. At 14 I wrote my first book on the street kids of Sao Paulo. Having studied extensively at university, I now lecture at universities across the UK on gender and feminisms, and cultural and political theory and speak at International Women’s Conferences on gender and cultural taboos as well as child abuse in 3rd world countries. I am passionate about animal rights. Cruelty to animals does not allow me to sleep at nights, Have you seen footage of cats and dogs being tortured and skinned alive for fur?

Their howls and cries when they are being tortured makes me die a little every day. People who wear real fur are the same as pedophiles to me. I would gladly murder these people. As a poet, author and human I am inspired by: Iran’ s beauty, Michele Foucault, Victorian London, Transylvania, Oscar Wilde, Postmodernism, Judith Butler, Edith Piaf, Dylan Thomas, James Douglas Morrison, Leonard Cohen, all Animals and wildlife, Edinburgh’s underground city, Eric Cantona, Ava Gardner, Marilyn Monroe, The Rat Pack and feta cheese.