
Are the demonstrations against Israel's attack on Gaza anti-Semitic?
The demonstrations against Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza have been growing. But so too have complaints that these demonstrations are anti-Semitic, that the protests are criticisms not just of the state of Israel, but of Jewish people in general. Richard Littlejohn, one of Britain’s most right wing commentators, puts it in his own inimitable style:
“The Stop The War crowd are myopically selective in their indignation. They’ll overlook all manner of atrocities in the Muslim world and in the former Soviet bloc, but become incandescent with fury when Israel exercises its inalienable right to self-defence. Underlying all this is a nasty streak of anti-Semitism, the unholy alliance between the self-styled 'liberal' Left and stone-age Muslim headbangers”
Douglas Murray – who must surely qualify as a non-Muslim headbanger – writing in The Spectator called our demonstration on 26 July an anti-Semitic protest, in a slander against the tens of thousands of people who took part.
Some Israeli MPs have gone so far as to lobby EU officials to impose  “strict regulations on the format and content” of pro Gaza demos. They want to see the creation of a Special Commissioner in the European Union who would be empowered to “monitor” antiwar protesters and restrict them from portraying Israel an “an aggressor” during its assorted invasions of Palestinian territory.